combat forest fires meaning in Chinese
- Members of the volunteer service are trained to perform emergency duties during typhoons , flooding and landslips ; to search for and rescue people in distress in mountains ; to help evacuate or rescue victims trapped under collapsed buildings or buried in landslides ; and to combat forest fires and oil pollution at sea
民安队队员均须接受训练,以便执行下列任务:在台风袭港、山泥倾泻、发生水灾时奉命出勤;搜索并拯救困于山野的人士;协助正规部队拯救埋于倒塌楼宇或山泥中的人士;扑灭山火和清理海上油污。 - Members of the volunteer service are trained to perform emergency duties during typhoons , landslips and flooding ; to search for and rescue people in distress in the mountains ; to help evacuate or rescue victims trapped under collapsed buildings or buried in landslides ; to combat forest fires and oil pollution at sea ; to carry out crowd control duties and to provide communication services at charity functions and government events